Here, too, we can download the BPMN2 files provided in the Best Pratice Explorer and upload them there if this functionality is available in the BPMN tool you are using. In addition, we have the option of documenting these processes in our Business Process Management (BPM) tool (or whatever it is called in your company) in a preparatory, accompanying, or post-processing manner using the SAP best practice processes available in the BPMN2 notation. This gives us the opportunity to confront key users directly with the new processes from the outset, using business processes that are understandable and comprehensible for them. If we now capture the real data examples in the columns, which are representative of each of our end-to-end processes, the goal is to play them through in the new S/4HANA system in the process steps of SAP Best Practice. If we map the best practice processes in the BPML in this way, we will be able to easily compile our future end-to-end processes across the BPML columns based on SAP’s best practice processes.
You can purchase and download the comprehensive Excel list of SAP Business Process Steps via this link in Digistore24. Watch our explainer video on YouTube here!